I never had a Nintendo growing up, so this my my revenge for a childhood spent outside. Honestly, the only games I have ever really played up to this point were all board games. Even time spent on my childhood Amiga was likely spent playing with code or writing, with an occasional round of games thrown in to reset my retinas. However, I'm making up for lost time because like all my hobbies, I've gone a bit overboard on this one. Between asking total strangers for advice and scouring flea markets and ebay for new (to me) games, I've learned things that most of my generation knew fifteen years ago.
I was out getting a digital converter box, and I actually stopped in the console aisle, something I've never done before. I'm not sure I'm going to plunk down hard-earned cash for a Wii (especially not when I have a list of motorcycle parts stuck to my fridge) but the seed of a idea is there.
In the meantime I'll just enjoy the joys of Tecmo Bowl and Dr. Mario against human competitors and being every bit as bad at Super Mario Bros as I was at 14.